What is Artificial Intelligence?
In 1950, a famous mathematician, Alan Turing coined a historical question.
Can a machine think?
With this simple question, he unintentionally established the vision and goal of AI (Artificial Intelligence). The goal of AI kept on rising with more questions, followed by debates.Today, artificial intelligence is a key player in computer science. It answered Turing’s question in affirmation. It is a continuous process to simulate or replicate human intelligence in a machine.
In 1960, the United States Department of Defense found this term beneficial and started training computers to imitate basic reasoning performed by humans. In 1970. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) accomplished street mapping assignment. Further, they created a personal assistant in 2003.
These are the stories of that time when Cortana, Siri or Alexa were not our best buddies.
Today, AI is visible in movies (human-like robots), smart search systems (Google map), automation tools in the tech industry and many more.
This smart technology is everywhere from automation to Artificial intelligence marketing!
Definition of Artificial Intelligence
It is a process where machines or computers mimic the cognitive behavior of humans. AI works by associating with the human mind, such as problem-solving and learning.Famous authors Peter Norvig and Stuart Russell unified multiple questions. And, they explored four different approaches that define the AI field:-
- Thinking humanly
- Acting humanly
- Thinking rationally
- Acting rationally
Later in 2017, CEO of DataRobot, Jeremy Achin defined a clearer meaning of Artificial intelligence in his speech. Jeremy stated:-
“Artificial intelligence is a computer system that performs tasks that demand human intelligence. Some AI-based systems are powered by deep learning while some work with the power of machine learning.”
Which Are The Two main categories of artificial intelligence?
Narrow AI
It is also known as weak AI. The reason is that this works within a confined context and is a complete imitation of human intelligence. It is effective to operate a single task. The best examples of Narrow AI are-- Alexa, Siri, and other personal assistants
- Google search
- Image recognition tool
- Self-driven cars
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
This is popular as a strong AI. This is an intelligence that we see in the movies. Do you want it to be simpler? Unlike Narrow Artifiicial intelligence it is a machine, having general intelligence. The best examples are seen in our all-time favorite movies named The Next Generation, Westworld, and more.
AI towards a better memory, understanding, and vision
It brings analytics to those domains and industries where it is not being utilized.
This improves existing analytic technologies performance. This includes time series and computer vision analysis.
It works to remove economic barriers, including translation and language barriers.
It simply makes us better in our operations by augmenting the existing capabilities.
Final Intelligence Talk
Dazzled by the evolution of this magical technology? But, a fear caught you whether it will replace us (humans)? No tech buddies. It is not here to replace humans. How? Simple, AI algorithms learn differently than a human. This technology perceives things differently.
It is our partner to encash many opportunities in the digital landscape.